domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Iván Zamorano

Ivan Zamorano was born in Santiago, on January 18, 1967. He was the eldest son of a young couple, Luis Zamorano and Alicia Zamora. They lived in La Legua, in the commune of San Miguel.
From kindergarden to eighth grade, he studied in the 447 School located in Villa Mexico, in the commune of Maipu. Later he completed his education in French high school.
His first experience with football was when he was one and a half years old, because his uncle gave him a ball. So when he was learning to walk, he was also learning how to play football.
His first experience playing professional football was in Cobresal. He stayed on that football team for 2 years, and in that time he won awards like “Scorer of the opening tournament”.
Later on, in his first match playing with the Chilean football selection against Peru, he scores his first great goal. He became famous and he had his first big success.
Then he played in many famous teams like Sevilla FC, Real Madrid and many others.
In the 2003, he announced his retirement from the professional football, while he was playing for Colo-Colo in Chile.

(Written by Nicolás Buendía - 3°I - 7,0)

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